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Archives for May 2023

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Four Views on Hell

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Much of the reading in graduate studies is like a blur because there’s so much to digest in such a short time. But one of the most memorable books that I read in sem...

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Feeding the Dead Nutritious Meals


My wife and I can be morbid. Over the last several months, we have discovered a YouTube channel where a mortician answers questions about her practices and life’s vocation. It is fascinating – but again, we can be morbid! Being a pastor, I have been around the dead quite a bit. I can still remember the first time I went to the hospital and sat with a member and her...

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How Often Should We Take the Lord’s Supper?

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The partaking of the Lord’s Supper in many churches is like the national anthem before a sporting event. Everyone is used to it. Everyone participates. One person leads it. However, the national anthem is often treated like nothing but an ancient ritual we want to get past to get to the game. ...

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A Mother’s Day Tribute

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According to Encyclopedia Britannica, Mother’s Day came about after a Philadelphia mother held a memorial service for her mother in 1907. Seven years later, President Woodrow Wilson made it a national holiday in 1914. The idea of having a day to celebrate our mothers is a wonderful idea. Few roles in life are as sacrificial and selfless as that of a parent. You pour your...

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What A Bad Sermon Delivery Reminded Me About Good Sermon Methodology

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I am a perfectionist is some areas of life. I am not advocating theological perfectionism, but rather confessing to the personality construct of feeling like you always have more to do in a certain area and you are never satisfied with it. This is something many people deal with, but more on that in a moment....

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