January 23, 2025
by Pastor Seth Alcorn
| Tags: journaling, walk with Christ
When you hear the word "journaling," what comes to mind? For many, the idea feels impractical or intimidating. “This isn’t for me,” you might think. “I could never—or would never—do that.” But what if I told you that journaling could deepen your walk with Christ and give you a richer appreciation for the gospel? Would you take it seriously then?...
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December 20, 2024
by Pastor Seth Alcorn
| Tags: New Year's resolutions, resolutions, New Year's, Bible study, Bible study plan
New Year’s resolutions are kind of a joke! Statistics show that most of these resolutions are broken in the first 3 weeks after the new year. I cannot remember anyone I know of actually keeping one. Why do people make New Year’s resolutions? Because everyone realizes that life in a fallen world is constantly changing and there is need for continual improvement. ...
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December 10, 2024
by Pastor Seth Alcorn
| Tags: Christian, Christmas, prepare for Christmas, Jesus's birth, Luke 2, Christmas books
Christmastime is one of my favorite times of the year, and with it brings many sentimental memories from my childhood. I have wonderful memories of gift-giving, festive Christmas songs, and family times through the years. In a sense, life seems to slow down some but in other ways, Christmas is out-of-control busyOne of the questions we ask one another this time of year is,...
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November 23, 2024
by Pastor Seth Alcorn
| Tags: sports, travel sports, missing church, missing worship, family worship
Although I think sports are a wonderful outlet of recreation in life and teacher of discipline- and just downright fun- sports are a terrible master in life. The Apostle Paul (who regularly made sporting analogies) said that he would not be “mastered by anything” but Jesus in 1 Corinthians 6:12. Yet, I think our contemporary American culture is enslaved to sports. The ...
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April 25, 2024
by Pastor Seth Alcorn
| Tags: kids in church, children in church, corporate worship, worship culture, Parenting in the Pew
As we have gone through this series of articles together, I am sure anyone with a child in worship looked in anticipation to this one more than any other. There is a desire in us that says, “tell me what to do”— but we must learn why first. We need to be driven by our convictions so when things get tough, we will not abandon the course. May I say, if you are embarkin...
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April 24, 2024
by Pastor Seth Alcorn
In the last article, we looked at what the Bible says about children being present in corporate worship. Here we address the unintended consequences, along with a brief history of how children’s church was developed. Again, I want to reiterate, I am not seeking to insult people who serve in children’s church, and I do not think this is a tier one issue. However, there ...
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April 24, 2024
by Pastor Seth Alcorn
| Tags: children in church, church, children, kids church
While the topic of children’s church is not forbidden in Scripture, we certainly cannot take a cavalier attitude to the topic. It is most certain that the Israel’s worship in the Old Testament and churches of the New Testament knew nothing of an age-segregated worship or “children’s church.”...
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November 30, 2023
by Pastor Seth Alcorn
I must confess it has been some time since I went to the barbershop. About four years ago, I began shaving my head completely because my forehead kept growing and my bald spot was about to meet my forehead.
But about 10 years ago when I was still visiting stylists, I sat down in the chair of a barber who was cutting my then-remaining hair for the first time, and the sub...
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November 16, 2023
by Pastor Seth Alcorn
The teenage years are ones that, if honest, most parents will admit they dread. Why? We all know about the vulnerabilities of teen life and remember our own struggles during those formative years. Many people have told me that they would not go back and relive their teen years for “all the money in the world,” a sentiment with which I heartily concur (and we’re only...
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November 9, 2023
by Pastor Seth Alcorn
| Tags: friendship, Lord of the Rings, love, Jesus is our friend
I must confess that although I love the Lord of the Rings series, I have not completed the books! It remains on my unending list of things to do and read. This well-loved classic from J.R.R. Tolkien is not only a great story, but for believers, a delight in seeing Christian themes embedded throughout the series. For example: the bearing of sin in Frodo carrying the ring. O...
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