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The Evils of Pornography and the Need of Repentance

The Evils of Pornography and the need for reptenance

There are some conversations that no one wants to have but we all need to have. The issue of pornography is one elephant in the room that needs to be discussed

But where do we even begin with such a difficult conversation? As one who has studied the Bible and pastored for many years – while wrestling with the lust in my own heart – I would like to share a few thoughts about porn and what to do if you are struggling with it.

The first observation is to recognize that we have come to a place in our nation where pornography is not only everywhere, but many, if not most, people have been bitten by it in some form. We are sexual creatures. As we go through puberty and we begin to learn about sex, the inward bend toward sin will distort our pursuit of sexual fulfilment. In so many people, the seeds of pornography are sown at an early age, and the reaping of this sin is not easily shed in adulthood. Trying harder will never produce victory.

The ubiquity and power of pornography means our response must be equally radical. As followers of Jesus Christ, we must commit to purity and holiness. One of the Beatitudes in Matthew 5:8 states, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” A goal all believers should share is to seek after Christ in every aspect of our lives and turn from any sin that keeps us from Him.

Pornography is such a sin that must be not only turned away from but killed in the life of a believer. If you are a Christian, no form of pornography in your life is good or acceptable. It's especially interesting that Jesus’s famous statement in Matthew 5:29-30, about tearing out your eye or cutting off your hand if it offends you is in the context of lust. Jesus is certainly not advocating self-mutilation here. However, He is advocating radically putting your sin to death.

If you struggle with a cell phone, get rid of it. If you struggle with YouTube, delete your account. Moreover, we should follow the paradigm of Ephesians 4:28. Although this passage is talking about theft, it is a very practical message about how to put away sin in your life: Repent, Replace, and Repeat. Be honest about the sin and turn away from it. This is simple enough but with all habitual sin, if it is not replaced with godly habits the tendency will be to turn back to it. Repeat this for the rest of your life until you see Christ.

The second thought is that this difficult battle should not be faced alone. If you struggle with pornography, you need a trusted friend or group of friends that will help keep you accountable. The privacy of this sin and the shame that comes along with it causes us to keep it from even our most trusted friends. Hear the words of James 5:16, “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed.” Confession to others equals healing. Confession is a true and full admission of guilt. How many people would love to get away from pornography, but they feel they have no one that they can talk with about it? Friend, you must be vulnerable and reach out to a trusted confidant before this bondage will be broken in your life.

At the same time, other believers should stand united against pornography not merely by speaking of how evil it is, but also by joining arms with those in our circles who struggle with pornography that they might walk in victory.

Which brings us to the final consideration: as we stand together against pornography, there is hope for victory and forgiveness at the cross. No matter how many times you have failed, no matter how ensnared you are to this sin, there is forgiveness at the cross and there is victory if you repent. This is not merely the power of positive thinking, but the promise of the indwelling Holy Spirit in advancing your sanctification that was won at the cross of Christ. Do not give up! There is hope!

Brothers and sisters, pornography is a topic no one wants to talk about, but everyone needs to talk about. It is destroying homes and ravaging families. But above it all, Jesus is worthy of our purity and repentance. Therefore, let us live pure, be radical with our sin, and put it to death.

Soli Deo Gloria!