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Christ is Our Resume. So Stop Producing One in Every Conversation

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In 1 Corinthians 3:5, Paul asks an interesting question: "What is Paul?"

How would I answer that question? A brilliant theologian. The greatest of the apostles. A church planter second to none. A man who loved the gospel to his very death. All of us who know Christ and love the Bible view Paul as a hero.

Yet what was Paul's estimation of himself? He says, "I am a servant through whom you believed." In essence: “I am a lowly servant.”

Wow!!! This guy we admire and see as the greatest ________ (fill in the blank) says, “I am nothing but a servant who brought you the gospel.”

So why is it that some Christians and pastors project such a sense of pride and greatness? Why do we feel it necessary to tell everyone all we have accomplished? Why do we feel we need to produce a resume every time we are around people?

Again, we must look to Paul. He did not use a bunch of titles and accolades for himself because he never forgot who he was. Paul even referred to himself late in life as the "chief" of sinners (1 Timothy 1:15). If you truly see yourself this way, you realize that you have nothing to offer. Our accomplishments are nothing but “rubbish” compared to the worth of Christ (Phil. 3:8-10). Because we have nothing to provide, Jesus is our resume.

To sum it up, friends: we do not become humble by saying, "I am just going to become less proud today." We become humble by realizing the depths of our depravity and the holiness of Christ. We become humble when we see ourselves as weak and Christ as strong. We become humble when we see ourselves as we are, and we see Christ as He is. We become humble when we see our life for what it is and the cross for what it is. In spite of all our sin, weakness, failure, and shame, He loves us still and died for our salvation. What a mighty Gospel God has given to us!

Soli Deo Gloria!