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The Strange New World

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Historians hate hypothetical questions. But here’s one anyway: What would George Washington think about America in 2023 if he were transported from the 18th century in Dr. Emmit Brown’s DeLorean? 

I think we are safe to say that he’d be astounded by our technology, longer lifespans and other modern luxuries. And that he, and any President up to Ronald Reagan, would not recognize this “Strange New World.” 

I have shamelessly borrowed that phrase from the title of the book Strange New World by Carl Trueman. Trueman’s volume helps us understand the roots and results of the new rules of gender and sexuality, and the way ahead for Christians. I highly recommend the book, and especially the Audible version, which he narrates, with his sweet English accent making the book go faster!

At Flat Run, we are about to start a new Adult Bible Fellowship series entitled “Christian Worldview in Gender and Sexuality.” In so doing, we’re responding to the speed with which the LGBTQ+ agenda has overrun our nation, for example, overtaking entire corporations like Disney. The “House of Mouse” once produced wholesome family films, but is now driven by the agenda of indoctrinating young minds with LGBTQ+ ideology – and, by the way, paying the price with plummeting share values.

Sexual ethics have shifted so rapidly that many Christians are left bewildered as to how to respond. We know Biblically that homosexuality or transgenderism is wrong, but we do not even know where to begin when it comes to confronting them – leading many believers to put their heads in the sand and hope that it will all somehow just go away. 

Friend, if that is you then you are delusional. It took more than a day to get to this point, and we are here for the time being. 

So in the meantime, how do we respond to the reshaping of American popular thought on sexuality? Here are a few suggestions. 

First: we must accept where we are as a culture. Constantly lamenting these unwelcome changes is wearying and counterproductive! If you want to staunch your ability to connect with people with more “modern” views, then keep on talking about “the good old days.” I sympathize with you that life was simpler before the advent of the internet, cell phones, and new ways of thinking. However, harping on the past is not going to change any minds, much less put things back the way they were. And honestly, those “good old days” were probably not as good as you romanticize. 

Second: we must be informed – meaning possessed of a thorough knowledge of how to engage with our friends and families on these topics from a Biblical worldview. 

Being informed starts with reading solid resources on sexuality and at the end of this post, you’ll find some that I have personally read and benefited from. Granted: a few have some age on them. But they are still very relevant and helpful. 

Next, listen to reliable podcasts like “The Briefing” by Albert Mohler that regularly address this topic. Brady Cone’s “Calibrate Conversations” features personal testimonies of those who have been converted to Christ from the LGBTQ+ lifestyle. 

A third suggestion: always remember to be gracious but truthful in our response. The apostle John says that our Lord came to this earth “full of grace and truth.” Paul reminds the Ephesian church to “speak the truth in love.” 

Some of the most horrific pronouncements I have ever heard on gender and sexuality have emerged from the pulpits of churches where ranting pastors mistook anger and fear for boldness. Giving vent to insecurities and lack of love for those ensnared in sexual  sin is not the way to handle the subject under any circumstances. 

As a general rule, our nation no longer possesses the capacity to engage in cordial disagreement, and unfortunately, the Christian community is no exception. We will never win someone entrenched in sin to Jesus by attacking them in a subhuman fashion. Nor will we ever “nice” someone into the kingdom of Jesus by affirming them in their sins. As all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, repentance is essential for entry into Paradise. Sin must be confronted.  

Fourth: we must disciple our children with a Christian worldview. Disney wants to indoctrinate your kid, and the rest of the culture is working overtime at it as well! We must teach our youngsters the Biblical foundations of gender and sexuality in Genesis and as they mature, have open and candid conversations with them on those subjects. To avoid it will lead your kids away from a Biblical view. So let us be prepared mentally and educationally for some pretty frank exchanges. 

I believe the lies of the LGBTQ agenda will be revealed. Over time, people will again recognize that it is a lie, and a denial of God’s general revelation, to tell a man he can become a woman and vice versa, or that two people of the same sex can be “married.” In fact, it is very possible that in the future lawyers will have commercials appealing to people who have had a “sex-change,” just as there are commercials now for people who experienced medical malpractice. 

Maybe God will use the special revelation of his Word through a mighty revival of His Spirit to awaken people to the truth. Maybe our culture will continue to implode on itself. While I am not a prophet, one thing is for sure: as Christians, this is the “here-we-stand moment.” We must be Biblically firm with gracious compassion to those ensnared in sin. 

Jesus is good. Jesus is loving. Jesus is a mighty Savior. Let us be faithful to Him. 

Soli Deo Gloria



Gender Identity: What Do Christians Need to Know by Sharon James

What Does the Bible Really Say About Homosexuality? By Kevin Deyoung

A Queer Thing Happened To America Michael L Brown

The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert by Rosaria Butterfield

The Grand Design: Male and Female He Made Them by Gavin Peacock and Owen Strachan