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Why You Need an Adult Bible Fellowship

Adult Bible Fellowship- Blog

The importance of a Christian’s relationship to a local church cannot be overstated. As a matter of fact, 1 John 2:19 states that permanent separation from the church and the Gospel demonstrates one is not actually a Christian. 

The church is so important for us because it gives us a sense of identity. No matter what type of family we have, what job we work, what other smaller identifications we may have, it is being in the church that identifies us most closely with our brothers and sisters in Christ. 

Even if you are a part of a local church, it’s still very possible that you are not benefiting from what the church has to provide. Many believers feel like visitors every week. Many come to church wishing that they just had a friend they could lean on during times of difficulty. Many Christians even live more self-centered lives because they do not have a practical space to fulfill the “one another” part of the New Testament passage which commands us to  “[love] one another.”

It is for this reason I believe that adult Bible fellowships, small groups, or some form of Sunday school are so vital to the health of the church and your health as a follower of Christ. 

At Flat Run we have shifted from calling our small group gatherings “Bible studies” to calling them “Adult Bible Fellowships”. The reason for this is that we are doing far more than just studying the Bible. This is certainly one of the main goals in any small group. It should be a place where respectful questions are asked and discussions held. But one of the more important things that an adult Bible fellowship will accomplish is building true community. The goal is that people in these small groups learn to love and serve one another. It is a place to share prayer requests and develop real authentic relationships. 

I believe if our church is to be healthy, our members must be healthy. If we do not know one another and love one another, we cannot fulfill what it means to be a part of a New Testament church. While we can certainly get to know each other at church-wide events like our church picnic or church luncheons, Adult Bible Fellowships provide the regular space to have focused, honest and open discussions with other adults while our children benefit from the lessons and fellowship of their Sunday School classes. 

I cannot encourage you strongly enough to join one of these Adult Bible Fellowships if you are a part of Flat Run and have not already joined one. You and I need it more than we think we do.